Landscapes in movement 1

The La Raia Foundation is proud to share with the public the experience of the first COLOCO workshop in Borgo Merlassino with an event which concludes the first stage of PAESAGGI IN MOVIMENTO, a residency project fostering artistic creativity in collaboration with Gilles Clément and Leonardo Delogu. STEP 1: COREOGRAFIA E CARTOGRAFIA – CHOREOGRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHYWith their eclectic and interdisciplinary sensitivity, the young French landscape artists of COLOCO, militant gardeners of the Third Landscape as theorised by Gilles Clément, have explored the interrelations between life and landscape at La Raia, where a biodynamic farm, a Steiner nursery and a primary school as well as the art and culture foundation all co-exist. From the micro to the macro, the dynamics deployed at La Raia have been investigated with a view to gaining an understanding of the landscape as a mosaic of environments in movement, and to identifying the dimension occupied by the Third Landscape: that of non-decision, unplanned by man, at least according to the orientation proposed by Gilles Clément in his Manifesto del Terzo Paesaggio (Quodlibet, 2005), Giardino Planetario (Quodlibet, 2011) and Giardino in Movimento (Quodlibet, 2011). Bringing together planning techniques and hands-on experience, PAESAGGI IN MOVIMENTO provides an opportunity for study and exploration by the landscape artists of the COLOCO team, accompanied on this occasion by Leonardo Delogu, actor and dancer working to develop a possible integration between the dimension of the body and that of the Third Landscape. An invitation to visit the natural environments of La Raia in order to shape experiences of landscapes, be they experienced, danced, narrated or designed.The landscape artists Miguel Georgieff, Pablo Georgieff and Fabien David of COLOCO and Leonardo Delogu will be present.